FOLLOWUP: The birds are back at cleaned-up White Center pond

Thanks to Gill Loring for the photos from the White Center pond cleaned up after a cooking-oil spill, showing the birds were back just a few days after the first 13 cleaned-up ducks were returned. No way to know if any are the same; wildlife authorities told us they were not banding the cleaned-up birds or otherwise tracking them.

On Monday, one neighbor reported seeing the oiled great blue heron that as of last check hadn’t yet been rescued. The Department of Ecology says that if you see any wildlife in distress – please call this hotline: 800-22-BIRDS.
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November 24th, 2015 at 7:56 pm
The wildlife folks are going to come check out the heron on Wednesday they said. I’ll be checking in to see what they think. The heron was still at the pond today.