Warmest day of the year arrives just in time for Hicks Lake barbecue

(Photos by Deanie Schwarz for WCN)
Big summer for Gloria and Art Peters, photographed this afternoon at the Hicks Lake barbecue in White Center. They were grand marshals of the West Seattle Grand Parade four weeks ago. They’re 49-year residents of White Center, and WCN contributor Deanie Schwarz says Art’s “Rat City” T-shirt “might be a collector’s item – about 15 years old!” Also at the barbecue, Dick Thurnau of Friends of Hicks Lake and Liz Giba of the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council:

From the North Highline Fire Department, from left: Battalion Chief Paul Frey with Firefighters Ed Marrs, Bob Lawson and Dan Crossman. Deanie reports they had a great time explaining the NHFD equipment and showing it off to barbecuegoers of all ages.

Also enjoying the midday cookout, Nhan Nguyen, who just said goodbye to the White Center Community Development Association, along with White Center Food Bank Executive Director Rick Jump and WCCDA’s Peter Chum:

Another big event is ahead for Lakewood Park, where you’ll find Hicks Lake – the Technology Access Foundation learning-center groundbreaking, 10:30 am next Friday, August 26th.
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