White Center businesses: Magic Lanes ‘permanently closed’

Its casino has been closed for a while – but now the Magic Lanes bowling alley in White Center is closed too. After a note from Michelle saying she had heard a rumor it was shut down, we came over to have a look. The door is padlocked and the signs, as you can see in our photo, say that it’s permanently closed, and refer people to the co-owned Roxbury Lanes bowling center. We called Roxbury Lanes and were told nobody can comment today because no owner or manager is present. We’ll let you know whatever more we find out!
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August 2nd, 2011 at 5:11 pm
HEY!!! I’ll Buy it!
August 2nd, 2011 at 8:36 pm
Very sad when a business that has been around for so long
closes. We have many good memories from Magic, years of bowling and lots of friends.
August 2nd, 2011 at 10:07 pm
I remember when the bowling alley was built. I (think) it was called White Center Lanes, if i recall correctly.
There was a swamp to the east of it before it was constructed/filled sometime around the late 1950’s-early 1960’s.
I too learned to bowl there and when older bowled there on a league.
Lots of (good) memories there.
Kingston Village, to the east, was built after the bowling alley opened. At that time, the entire swamp was filled.
A person could rent a horse within a block of the bowling ally in its early yrs. That was back in the good old days.
August 3rd, 2011 at 6:32 am
sad….. That is sad. Grew up bowling there almost every day. That was my first real job. Cleaning ash trays and stocking beer cooler when I was 13. I remember trying to change paper towels in men’s room. Was not tall enough so I got a little boost from the sink… Not a good idea. Sink broke off wall. Water spraying everywhere….. Fire department had to come. Bunch of drunk men bowlers had to pee real bad! Kind of weird my hours got cut after that! No hard feelings… Laughing. Sad. Day for magic lanes and my old rat city……..
August 3rd, 2011 at 3:41 pm
Very sad. I am glad to hear Roxy’s will still be open, but sad for Magic Lanes’ employees.
August 10th, 2011 at 9:03 am
I think that the owners were putting to much time and effort in Roxbury Lanes and put Magic on the back burner. In turn neglecting the inside and outside of a bowling alley that has been there for years. I am sad to see it go as I had many diffrent tourneys won in that house. Thanks for all of the memories.