Traffic alert: Roxbury reopened after chase, crash

6:54 PM: Roxbury is blocked at 8th – with traffic diverted to streets east and west – as deputies investigate a crash that as far as we can tell involves up to three police cars – one SeaTac, two Burien. All reports indicate this related to some kind of chase that at one point went through Highland Park. (8:05 PM: More details on partner site West Seattle Blog – we’re headed back to see if Roxbury has reopened yet.) 9:43 PM: Roxbury is indeed clear and open again. We hope to be able to get more information from King County Sheriff’s Office tomorrow regarding what sparked all this.
Tags: burien police, king county sheriff's office, SeaTac Police
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August 15th, 2010 at 8:48 pm
thanks for the update! it’s hard to find any information about what’s going on in White Center! Seems as though this has been the 2nd accident in the last month! Thanks again for the update!