Mark your calendar! Hicks Lake cleanup date set

That’s one of our photos from the Hicks Lake cleanup last September. A date’s set for this year, according to early word from Dick Thurnau of Friends of Hicks Lake:
We have been informed that Seattle Pacific University is proposing to send 40 students this year on Sept. 26/2009, a Saturday, to Lakewood Park to help clean up this area. The blackberry bushes, Scotch broom and invasive weeds plus litter needs to be removed. They call their project City Quest — it encourages freshmen to participate in giving to the communities.
We ask Friends of Hicks Lake and all parties that enjoy the park to give us a hand in this endeavor. Realize this is an early announcement but will keep you posted. Let’s mark your calendar to volunteer to help make this facility beautiful.
Tags: Hicks Lake, Lakewood Park
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July 17th, 2009 at 11:31 am
Thanks for the note, Dick!
We’re looking forward to another good time at Hicks Lake with SPU Freshmen this Fall. In addition to just getting them off campus to do something, work at Hicks Lake allows our students to work with and learn from a seasoned community leader (that’s you, Dick!). Our hope is that they’ll continue their involvement in White Center and recognize the value of advocating for one’s community. Fun times ahead!
Owen Sallee.