Speak up for Affordable Housing at Seattle City Council
Reminder! Please join us to speak up for affordable housing at City Hall tomorrow evening!
Homestead has been working in partnership with the Housing Development Consortium & the City of Seattle on Incentive Zoning legislation. A program is currently under consideration by Seattle City Councilmembers that would provide an incentive to developers who agree to build affordable homes within their developments, or near by. According to this new program, when the City of Seattle allows property owners to build taller buildings and earn more profit, in exchange, they would make a portion of the apartments or condos priced so that people making less than average can afford them.
Homestead would like to steward the ongoing affordability of ownership units produced through this program. Over time, this program could generate hundreds of affordable homes that stay affordable through the land trust.
The City Council needs to hear from you about the importance of this program and why they should vote for it. Please join us at this Public Hearing:
Seattle City Hall
Fifth Avenue between James and Cherry, Seattle, WA 98104
Tuesday, October 7, 4:30PM
If you have never attended a city council hearing, don’t worry, we’ll be there to help navigate! Meet at 4:30 in City Hall’s main lobby near the canoe sculpture to the right of the entrance. I’ll be there to answer any questions you have.
Feel free to pass this on to your friends and neighbors! It would be great to see you there.
Homestead Phone: 206.323.1227
Tags: housing
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