What’s on the agenda for Thursday’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting

June 30th, 2010 at 1:35 am Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news | Comments Off on What’s on the agenda for Thursday’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting

The agenda’s up, and it includes a scheduled appearance by two high-ranking King County Sheriff’s Office leaders. The King County “brownfields” program is scheduled to be discussed too – here’s our story from earlier this month. The NHUAC meeting, as always, is at 7 pm Thursday, North Highline Fire District HQ.


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Reading and booksigning for “The Car That Brought You Here Still Runs”

June 29th, 2010 at 10:02 am Posted in Arts, White Center news | Comments Off on Reading and booksigning for “The Car That Brought You Here Still Runs”

That’s the “book trailer” published to YouTube last December for “The Car That Brought You Here Still Runs,” Frances McCue‘s look at the towns visited, and written about, by Richard Hugo. She’ll read and sign books at the Greenbridge Library on July 15th, followed by a literary open-mike session at Mac’s Triangle Pub, according to this flyer just sent around by Seattle’s Delridge Neighborhoods District Coordinator Ron Angeles.

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South Park Bridge reminder: Shutdown night is almost here

June 28th, 2010 at 8:41 pm Posted in South Park, Transportation, White Center news | 3 Comments »

Thanks to Gill for the photo – apparently if you catch that sign at just the right instant, half the illuminated words and numbers disappear. The handwritten sign below, however, speaks more loudly. We’re taking the occasion to point you to a news release the county sent around today – for anyone who didn’t already have this burned into their awareness, 7 pm this Wednesday is the moment that the South Park Bridge is scheduled to close for good – more like “open” permanently, as the leaves will be raised so vessel traffic can make it through. The community is planning a 6-10 pm wake with art, music and more, and inviting you to be part of what they hope truly will be just a temporary end to their link across the Duwamish … the push for a new bridge now has $80 million of the $130 million funding commitment that’s neded. P.S. An important part of the reminder is that the bus routes that are changing because of the bridge shutdown will start their new routes at 5 am Wednesday – so tomorrow is the final full day of those routes (explained here) the way they are.


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Followup: Sheriff’s Office e-mail about Deputy Jeff Hancock

June 27th, 2010 at 12:18 pm Posted in King County, North Highline UAC, White Center news | 1 Comment »

As reported here Thursday and Friday, White Center’s popular storefront-based King County Sheriff’s Deputy Jeff Hancock is leaving WC. We’ve since received from a source an e-mail circulating in the community, from KCSO Major Jim Graddon, originally addressed to a North Highline Unincorporated Area Council member, also confirming the move, with some elaboration:

… Dep. Hancock presented me with his formal request to step away from the White Center storefront position. He has personal reasons why this is a positive move for him at this time. He has shared some of those reasons with me and I support his decision. It is his choice how he shares those reasons with others. I am asking my command staff to work with him regarding his next assignment within the precinct. He is not being terminated from the Sheriff’s Office, nor is there any such consideration.

In talking with Jeff it had been our plan to accompany him to the UAC meeting on July 1st for him to present news of this change but it is clear there is some information of this already within the community, so I wanted to at least share this much.

Jeff has served in a very stressful and challenging environment for 3 years. I have seen the good work he has done and the relationships he has built, and he is to be commended for all of his efforts. I know that makes his decision all the harder for him and the community. But allowing him to move away from this assignment is the right thing to do.

We are in perhaps the most difficult times I have experienced in over 3 decades of serving our communities. We have had staff reductions across our agency in the unincorporated areas and are facing more. As you know this necessitated putting all of our storefront deputies back in regular patrol functions, at least temporarily. We face critical budget decisions as an agency and are unsure of the future of the storefront positions. This is simply the reality of our present circumstance .

We have always felt strong support from our North Highline community and it is my hope that will not change. Very good, dedicated deputies continue to serve the community. You shared your concerns about a noticeable growth in criminal behavior in the area. We will continue to do what we can to address those concerns as best we can.

Major Graddon

James G. Graddon
Chief of Police – City of SeaTac
Precinct Commander – King County Sheriff’s Office
Southwest Precinct

As noted in Major Graddon’s e-mail, this is expected to be part of the agenda for Thursday night’s NHUAC meeting (7 pm at North Highline Fire District HQ) – the new agenda’s not online yet but you can watch the NHUAC site.

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On the County Council agenda next week

June 26th, 2010 at 4:00 am Posted in King County, White Center news | Comments Off on On the County Council agenda next week

From the weekly preview sent around by the King County Council – see what’s in the works for next week, after the jump: Read the rest of this entry »


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Yet more money for the South Park Bridge

June 25th, 2010 at 3:31 pm Posted in South Park, Transportation | 1 Comment »

$10 million more today, according to County Councilmember Jan Drago‘s office. Meantime, counting down to closure of the old one – 7 pm Wednesday, if for some reason you hadn’t heard. The 1st Avenue South Bridge has maintenance closures 5 am -11 am both days this weekend.


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Followup: White Center Deputy Jeff Hancock’s status

June 25th, 2010 at 1:20 pm Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | 4 Comments »

We promised a followup on last night’s confirmation from King County Sheriff’s Office Community Service Officer Vary Jackson that Deputy Jeff Hancock says he’s leaving White Center. Deputy Hancock has gained respect and popularity as he took over the daunting role of following in the footsteps of murdered Deputy Steve Cox, and e-mails have been circulating with rumors regarding his possible departure and what would happen next.

Jackson’s statement at last night’s White Center Community Safety Coalition meeting (WCN coverage here) was the first official public word. Now we have learned from sources at the Sheriff’s Office that Deputy Hancock has requested a voluntary transfer from the White Center Storefront job “for personal and family reasons.” The sources tell White Center Now that he likely will be reassigned to Vashon Island (as noted by local entrepreneur Vera Johnson in a comment on last night’s story).

Looking for further comment, we checked with King County Sheriff’s Office media liaison Sgt. John Urquhart. He won’t confirm the reported transfer of Deputy Hancock but he did say that if the storefront position is vacated, another deputy would “very likely” fill it – “The dedicated White Center deputy is too important to the community to do otherwise.” However, he also reminds us all that possible 2011 budget cuts to KCSO mean “everything is on the table,” including the potential there will be no storefront deputies anywhere in the county. Right now, he says, Sheriff Sue Rahr has been told by the KC Executive’s Office to prepare for a 12 percent budget cut, which would mean more than $9 million – eliminating about 70 positions.

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Update: Culvert work done on SW 100th

June 25th, 2010 at 12:59 pm Posted in Transportation, White Center news | Comments Off on Update: Culvert work done on SW 100th

… and, says the Transportation Department’s Road Services Division, the road is reopened.


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Swap meet at White Center Eagles on Saturday

June 25th, 2010 at 11:11 am Posted in Fun, White Center Eagles, White Center news | Comments Off on Swap meet at White Center Eagles on Saturday

More news from the White Center Eagles – a swap meet tomorrow!:

Saturday, June 26, 2010, 9 am to 5 pm – White Center Eagles, 10452 15th Ave SW. Spaces are still available for sellers. Outdoor 10’ x 10’ space is $20.00, $5.00 table rental. Indoor space is $30.00, table included. Call (206) 248-1400 if you’d like to reserve. Come browse, come shop! Burgers & dogs served hot off the grill all afternoon. Bring your sweet tooth, baked goods also available for sale.

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Updates: White Center Community Safety Coalition on Evo, Deputy Hancock, more

June 24th, 2010 at 6:35 pm Posted in Beverages, Crime, white center community safety coalition, White Center news | 4 Comments »

ORIGINAL 6:35 PM REPORT, POSTED AS-IT-HAPPENED: About 20 people are at the White Center DSHS offices for tonight’s White Center/South Delridge Community Safety Coalition meeting. Early in the meeting, Liquor Control Board Lt. Woodrow Perkins (photo below, background left) has mentioned a special operation coming up in White Center and Burien next month – with up to eight agents working the area checking on compliance.

And now Triangle Pub owner Geoffrey “Mac” McElroy is bringing up the problem that led to a big law-enforcement response early Saturday – he’s concerned about this happening just a few weeks after the deadly shooting in the same 16th/Roxbury area. Coalition co-chair Sean Healy is talking about previous guest appearances at this meeting by the owner of the club now known as Evo (formerly Evolucion), which was said to be the source of last weekend’s event. “It’s affecting the reputation of the community,” McElroy said.

6:41 PM: Vary Jackson from the King County Sheriff’s Office says she read the report today, and the response totaled more than 30 police/KCSO cars, “from Seattle to Tukwila, and even Metro.” There was no evidence of shots, but apparently a pepper-spray canister went off and sounded like gunshots, she said, plus there were numerous “fights.” As for possible liquor violations – Perkins from the LCB says Evo has no license. They’re also talking about the “do not occupy” violations recently posted at Evo – Pat Price says that she’s been told they’ve been allowed to operate because the sprinkler system “is being worked on.” The discussion now has turned to how to address the problem – there are major groups inside White Center that aren’t represented at this meeting, for example, like the CDA and Chamber, it’s been pointed out. Meantime, KCSO’s Jackson says a multi-agency meeting is happening soon to discuss Club Evo and whether it’s in violation.

7:02 PM: Liz Giba talks about problems in the past and says “there is nothing new about this” – recalling other community efforts, such as walking the business district on a weekend night and even going into the club – but also says it’s clear that “this is an organization that doesn’t care about the community.” Healy says that it’s time to picket. Jackson says Evo’s owner owns 2 years in back taxes.

7:07 PM: Jackson has just confirmed that Deputy Jeff Hancock is no longer her partner as White Center storefront deputy. She doesn’t have any additional information beyond that. (We have had a request out to KCSO since yesterday for official information on what’s happening with Deputy Hancock and will renew our request in the wake of this news.)

7:23 PM: Coalition members are agreeing to do more research on what’s been going on with Evo – including seeking what’s available via public records – and also talking about a protest and petition. Another issue that’s come up at the meeting – Gill Loring says this building itself, the White Center DSHS HQ, has a terrible trash problem outside (we’re headed out to have a look – it’s now 7:36 pm and the meeting has adjourned).


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White Center Community Safety Coalition meeting Thursday night

June 23rd, 2010 at 5:35 pm Posted in Crime, Safety, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center Community Safety Coalition meeting Thursday night

With the questions about recent incidents including the one discussed further down the page here (a big law-enforcement response early Saturday), plus concerns over the future of White Center’s storefront deputy, should be an interesting meeting of the White Center/South Delridge Community Safety Coalition tomorrow night – 6 pm Thursday at the White Center DSHS office.

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Constantine: “We can, and will, rebuild this bridge”

June 23rd, 2010 at 4:24 pm Posted in South Park, White Center news | 3 Comments »

(County Councilmember Julia Patterson, one of the many elected officials who spoke at today’s announcement)
Just back from covering the official announcement of $20 million in state money for the South Park Bridge’s replacement, exactly one week before the current one is closed permanently. A dozen political and community leaders were there to share in the announcement, which brings the financial commitment so far to $70 million, more than half the cost of the replacement. More to come.


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You’re invited to Wednesday dinner at White Center Eagles

June 23rd, 2010 at 12:06 am Posted in White Center Eagles, White Center news | Comments Off on You’re invited to Wednesday dinner at White Center Eagles

Kemp Garcia e-mailed to say: “Wednesday night starting at 5 PM we are doing a pulled pork dinner again at White Center Eagles. It is open to families, and people do not need to be a member to come and join in for food. Dinner will end around 7:30. Cost for Dinner will be $6.00 per person. For kids, we will have Bagel Dogs while they last.”


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WestSide Baby’s big diaper delivery due tomorrow

June 22nd, 2010 at 4:49 pm Posted in WestSide Baby, White Center news | Comments Off on WestSide Baby’s big diaper delivery due tomorrow

From WestSide Baby, which was awaiting exact delivery time of a huge diaper donation from Huggies:

As part of the WestSide Baby Community, we thought you’d want to be the first to know that we will receive 200,000 diapers thanks to Kimberly-Clark’s Huggies Brand tomorrow, Wednesday June 23 at 11 am.

Join us!! We are located at 10032 15th Ave. SW Seattle 98146. We are just south of the Dollar Store and behind White Center Chiropractic. Please park on the street.

Ever wonder what 200,000 diapers looks like?

We have! Come join us to see for yourself! A big semi-truck is scheduled to arrive at our little facility in White Center at 11 am loaded with diapers! We’ve lined up containers in our parking lot, a fork lift and pallet jacks and can’t wait to celebrate this amazing gift.

While we gave 200,000 diapers out in 2009, we’ve never seen that many all at one time. Along with 9 other diaper banks across the country, we’ve been talking with Huggies about diaper need since last fall. The donation arrives not only because of the obvious need but, at WestSide Baby, we believe these things happen also because of the incredible community support we have. Huggies wants to be a part!

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King County Council takes step toward Sheriff’s Office audit

June 21st, 2010 at 6:20 pm Posted in King County, White Center news | 4 Comments »

Announced late today by the King County Council:

With King County’s general fund facing a $140 million deficit over the next two years and public safety services in jeopardy, the Metropolitan King County Council today unanimously approved a financial and performance audit of the Sheriff’s Office called for by Councilmember Larry Phillips. The audit will be conducted by the King County Auditor’s Office with scoping and preliminary work to be completed in 2010, and the full audit due in 2011.

“The Great Recession has reduced funding for criminal justice programs at a time when families can least afford to pay more taxes to make up the difference, so we must seek every efficiency possible in the Sheriff’s Office to reduce costs and maintain vital public safety services,” said Councilmember Larry Phillips. “Through an audit of Metro, we were able to find enough savings to offset transit cuts for two years. We don’t anticipate similar monetary results through this audit, but every efficiency counts.”

The audit will review regional and local law enforcement services in comparison to the state mandated levels of regional and local law enforcement services and any applicable benchmarks.

“Auditing the Sheriff’s Office is a proactive step towards creating a more efficient King County government,” said Council Vice Chair Jane Hague. “A similar performance audit of Metro last year allowed us to prevent cuts in service. Hopefully we can do the same thing here, so we can maximize the amount of service for each taxpayer dollar. In this economic climate our constituents expect us to keep all options on the table when it comes to saving money.”

“Our top funding priority has been to preserve our public safety system, but we need to make sure we are doing it in the most efficient way possible,” said Councilmember Kathy Lambert, chair of the Government Accountability and Oversight Committee, which directs the work of the Auditor’s Office. “Sheriff Rahr has done an admirable job of keeping our citizens safe, but now with declining resources, that task becomes even more challenging. Our criminal justice system – including the sheriff, courts and jails – now is 76 percent of the general fund. Our Auditor has the expertise to advise us about how to stretch every dollar to its capacity, so this is a good time to apply that capability to the Sheriff’s Office.”

The Executive previously proposed sending to voters the option to offset criminal justice cuts by raising $47 million in 2011 through a two-tenths of one percent local option sales tax. This proposal did not garner the six Council votes needed to make the August ballot, but Councilmembers have not ruled out sending a criminal justice revenue proposal to voters in November after more work has been done to lower county costs.

Criminal justice officials have warned that the roughly 10- to 15-percent reductions that will be needed to close the $60 million general fund gap for 2011 could lead to the elimination of about 80 Sheriff’s Office positions—in addition to the 96 positions cut in the last three years—and would reduce basic law enforcement services.

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Road-closure reminder: SW 100th work to start today

June 21st, 2010 at 2:13 am Posted in Transportation, White Center news | Comments Off on Road-closure reminder: SW 100th work to start today

View Closed in a larger map

Reminder of a road closure previewed here last week – 7 am today is when SW 100th is supposed to close between 13th and 12th SW (blue line, in map above) so that the county can replace a culvert under the road. The county notes, “Motorists can detour via 11th Avenue Southwest, Southwest 102nd Street, and 13th Avenue Southwest.”


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White Center groups get some help, to help others

June 20th, 2010 at 11:56 pm Posted in WestSide Baby, White Center Food Bank, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center groups get some help, to help others

Several updates – first one, $7,000 was the take for WestSide Baby at Saturday night’s first-of-its-kind Guys’ Night Out. Above, WestSide Baby’s Nancy Woodland with Kemp Garcia, who hatched the Guys’ Night Out WS Baby benefit idea, and Gerard Denommee. The event was held at the White Center Eagles‘ HQ.

And the White Center Food Bank got some extra help this weekend: First, a Friday delivery from Windermere Real Estate, which conducted a door-to-door food drive in part of West Seattle, dropping off bags on Wednesday, then coming back two days later for pickups – the WC Food Bank got more than 600 pounds, according to Audrey Zemke’s online update. West Seattle’s Life Church is planning a similar food drive on June 30th, she also writes. One more boost: Full Tilt Ice Cream celebrated the 2nd anniversary of its original location in White Center on Sunday, and was donating to the WC Food Bank the equivalent of every scoop and cone purchased that day!

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What all the police presence was about, early Saturday

June 20th, 2010 at 10:05 am Posted in Crime, White Center news | 30 Comments »

Via Facebook, Michelle asked us about a major law-enforcement presence on both sides of 16th/Roxbury very early Saturday morning. Haven’t nailed down all the details yet but did get a bit of info courtesy of Seattle Police – the call went out as “shots fired.” No indication thus far that anyone was actually shot, but we’ll be checking with King County Sheriff’s Office on Monday.

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Happy birthday, Full Tilt Ice Cream! And they’re giving the ‘gifts’

June 19th, 2010 at 5:26 pm Posted in Full Tilt Ice Cream, White Center Food Bank, White Center news | 1 Comment »

Tomorrow (Sunday), Full Tilt Ice Cream celebrates its second anniversary in White Center, and they’ll donate to the White Center Food Bank the equivalent of the scoops/pints you buy tomorrow – so it’s their birthday, but they’re giving instead of getting.

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White Center traffic alert: One-block closure ahead for SW 100th

June 18th, 2010 at 1:08 pm Posted in Transportation, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center traffic alert: One-block closure ahead for SW 100th

Just in from the King County Department of Transportation:

SW 100th St between 13th Ave SW and 12th Ave SW

Upcoming closure
Due to: Culvert Replacement

Planned closure date: Jun 21, 2010 at 7:00 am
Anticipated opening date: Jun 25, 2010 at 4:30 pm


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