‘Gang war in South King County’: Law enforcers brief councilmembers

August 23rd, 2011 at 2:31 pm Posted in Crime, White Center news | 19 Comments »

At the county courthouse this afternoon, leaders from the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and King County Sheriff’s Office were part of a briefing about what no one seems to dispute is a resurgence in gang violence, particularly in South King County – a bonafide “gang war,” it was called.

Most of the talk before the County Council’s Law, Justice, Health and Human Services Committee focused on the shooting of 12 people at a car show in Kent one month ago, but certainly the fact a known gang member is jailed in connection with the White Center shooting death of Sweetheart Failautusi a week ago is part of the picture too (though that case was not brought up at all during the briefing).

It was more than a “here’s where things stand” briefing – it was a plea for resources to get out on the prevention end of the problem, rather than just “chasing gunfire,” as one participant put it.

Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg led off the briefing, saying there is a “war among rival Latino gangs in South King County” that is “likely to turn violent” whenever rival gangs’ members encounter each other. He also emphasized, “We have a serious gang problem … We no longer have the luxury of denying that. … Once the bullets start flying, it’s time for suppression.”

KCSO Deputy Chief Steve Strachan said, “Intervention and prevention does matter” too – though “aggressive” crimefighting and prosecution are called for as well. He said partnerships are invaluable in fighting a problem like this.

KCSO’s Det. Joe Gagliardi said that what used to be a problem in north King County has migrated south, and again reiterated that “predominantly Hispanic” gangs, “five or six” of them, are the main problem, though he cautioned, “all races are involved.” Even those who are Hispanic, he took pains to note, are natural-born citizens: “These are our children.” (That was stressed again later in the briefing – that citizens are the bulk of the problem, not illegal immigrants. And the “children” aspect was noted by Satterberg, calling it “heartbreaking” that some gang members are children of “hardcore” gang members who haven’t ever known anything else.)

Det. Gagliardi said the fights against rival gang members are “dictated by their (gang) culture,” even if they happen in “very public venues” like the Kent car show. He says gang members are coming here from Eastern Washington and California as well, sometimes because “injunctions” are in place where they used to be headquartered. (Asked later to elaborate, he said that our state’s law currently wouldn’t allow those, but it could be changed. Satterberg said those civil injunctions allow a lot of work but once in place allows police “a tool to use” in fighting gang activity.)

Kent Police Chief Ken Thomas was part of the group briefing councilmembers (the committee membership includes White Center/West Seattle Councilmember Joe McDermott). He talked specifically about the car-show incident. He talked of working with other area agencies that collectively have 20 detectives working on the problem of gang violence. They’re not just tackling the violence, but also looking at gangs as a “complex criminal enterprise” in a conspiracy mode, he said. He also mentioned a retailation shooting following the car-show incident, which involved what he called “multiple shooters.”

Chief Thomas said that the car-show investigation has a prosecuting attorney specifically assigned to it, and he thinks that would be helpful in other investigations. Elaborating on that point, at the request of County Councilmember Bob Ferguson, Satterberg agreed that it’s vital to have prosecutors support complicated investigations “from the beginning” – but also noted that a grant the county was using has just run out. “We desperately need some help,” he said, also pointing out that budget cuts have cost his staff 36 deputy prosecutors in the past 4 years. Asked if the gang-violence situation is a “crisis,” he replied, “We have an all-out war.”

It’s not just violence – Satterberg said gang members “are at the root of a lot of our property crime right now,” as younger members who might not yet be involved in dealing drugs are still involved in burglaries and thefts, for example. How much younger? The average age of gang members is 12-35, said Det. Gagliardi, but there are much older members, too. Removing the leaders as well as the active gang members is vital to making a dent in the problem, he said, as is educating parents about how to recognize the signs that their children might be involved with gangs. (Councilmember Kathy Lamberg suggested that perhaps videos could be put on YouTube to assist with teaching parents what those signs look like.) Overall, regarding prevention/enforcement, “this is not an either/or,” said Chief Strachan. Added PA Satterberg, “It’s a battle for the hearts and minds of young people.”

And it’s a battle that’s really only just begun, Satterberg said: “We’re at the beginning.”

COUNCIL SIDE NOTES: Councilmember Julia Patterson said, “This issue is very personal to me – (the car show shooting) happened in a mall where I shop at … I could have been there.” (She’s not on the Law and Justice Committee, but joined the meeting especially because the shooting happened in her area.) Councilmember Reagan Dunn said he’s going on a Gang Unit ridealong tomorrow.

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Ex-Club Evo site seeking licenses as ‘Club Reventon’; partner also opening East Marginal Way club

August 22nd, 2011 at 11:01 pm Posted in Businesses, White Center news | 6 Comments »

The two men who stood before the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council last month and reaffirmed their intention to open a new business in what was Club Evo appear to be moving forward.

Here’s one sign: Under the name “Club Reventón,” two applications are pending for King County business licenses, both filed in early August, both carrying the name of club partner Daniel Yarbrough (introduced here back in June). One is in the “dance” classification, the other in the “entertainment” classification. The process for public comments isn’t clear, but general DDES contact info is here.

State liquor-license application files also show a new filing by Yarbrough, under the establishment name Reventón, for a nightclub at a former restaurant site at 7047 East Marginal Way South. We found a Facebook page and website, with the latter indicating the grand opening of “El Reventón Nightclub” there is set for September 3rd. (Reventón, by the way, is translated as “party.”)

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Burien City Council work session tonight on annexation report

August 22nd, 2011 at 12:00 am Posted in Annexation, Burien, White Center news | Comments Off on Burien City Council work session tonight on annexation report

Tonight (Monday 8/22) at 7 at Burien City Hall, it’s the Burien City Council’s special work session about the new report on the potential financial effects of Burien annexing most of what remains of unannexed North Highline. A “discussion draft” is now available online – see it here – accompanied with another report that had been requested both by councilmembers and concerned citizens, comparing the crime rates of Burien and unincorporated North Highline. The meeting’s in council chambers at 4th/152nd in Burien; if you can’t be there, you can watch it live online at burienmedia.org.

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Video: Live-ly White Center Art Walk, August 2011 edition

August 20th, 2011 at 11:28 pm Posted in Arts, Video, White Center news | 1 Comment »

Live music and live art made this a live-ly night in White Center, for the August edition of the WC Art Walk. WCN contributor Deanie Schwarz got five of the art-being-made-live scenes on video for this report. Above, Rats in the Grass played bluegrass at Full Tilt Ice Cream. Over at Big Al Brewing, Erik Edwards created collage while All Mixed Up provided the soundtrack:

Art and music also mingled at 3.14 Bakery, with artist, illustrator and author Amara Kopakova and the music of The Kevin Helmick Experience (3.14, Deanie points out, is just celebrating their hugely successful first year in White Center! Have you tried the cakeballs?)

Art Walk co-curator Amanda Helmick‘s (Kevin’s wife) collages are on the walls behind Amara and will be viewable through the month. On to the south Delridge Triangle and “Remember the Diamonds”:

And the Daipan Butoh Collective was out and about:

Find out more about these and other artists who were part of tonight’s extravaganza by going to the official WC Art Walk website.

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Warmest day of the year arrives just in time for Hicks Lake barbecue

August 20th, 2011 at 8:24 pm Posted in Hicks Lake, North Highline Fire District, North Highline UAC, White Center news | Comments Off on Warmest day of the year arrives just in time for Hicks Lake barbecue

(Photos by Deanie Schwarz for WCN)
Big summer for Gloria and Art Peters, photographed this afternoon at the Hicks Lake barbecue in White Center. They were grand marshals of the West Seattle Grand Parade four weeks ago. They’re 49-year residents of White Center, and WCN contributor Deanie Schwarz says Art’s “Rat City” T-shirt “might be a collector’s item – about 15 years old!” Also at the barbecue, Dick Thurnau of Friends of Hicks Lake and Liz Giba of the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council:

From the North Highline Fire Department, from left: Battalion Chief Paul Frey with Firefighters Ed Marrs, Bob Lawson and Dan Crossman. Deanie reports they had a great time explaining the NHFD equipment and showing it off to barbecuegoers of all ages.

Also enjoying the midday cookout, Nhan Nguyen, who just said goodbye to the White Center Community Development Association, along with White Center Food Bank Executive Director Rick Jump and WCCDA’s Peter Chum:

Another big event is ahead for Lakewood Park, where you’ll find Hicks Lake – the Technology Access Foundation learning-center groundbreaking, 10:30 am next Friday, August 26th.

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Today/tonight in White Center: Five, count ’em five, events

August 20th, 2011 at 12:48 am Posted in Miscellaneous, White Center news | 3 Comments »

Looking for an example of this community’s spirit and resiliency? Note the FIVE major events scheduled for today – as announced by Nhan Nguyen, who by the way has just announced his departure from the White Center Community Development Association:

(Added Saturday morning, WC Chamber’s Mark Ufkes with the fresh-blueberry pancakes they’re making!)

Fundraising pancake breakfast at Holy Family School, 8-11am, organized by the White Center Chamber of Commerce. Proceeds will be used toward replacing the American Flag at the Memorial for Veterans of Foreign Wars in front of the Triangle Pub.

Hicks Lake BBQ at Hicks Lake Park, 11-2pm, organized by Friends of Hicks Lake. A great community event to bring neighbors/friends/public officials together to work for a clean, safe and healthy Hicks Lake Park.

2011 White Center Business District Shop Fresh, 5-7pm, organized by the White Center CDA. The purpose of this event is to raise the awareness of fresh, healthy food available in our six produce markets and three Halal stores in White Center’s business district.

White Center CDA Membership Mixer Movie Night at White Center Eagles Hall, 8:00pm. Enjoy a family friendly movie with your fellow CDA Members. You do not need to be a Member to attend, and the event is free and open to the public. You can sign up to be a Member at this event.

White Center Arts Walk, organized by White Center Arts. Come check out art work and performances by dancers, dance troupes, spoken word artists, live painters, street performers and musicians.

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Anthony Haroldlee Smith now charged with second-degree murder in White Center shooting

August 19th, 2011 at 2:47 pm Posted in White Center news | 8 Comments »

The suspect arrested Wednesday in connection with the shooting death of 23-year-old Sweetheart Failautusi is now charged with murder. From the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office:

A charge of Murder Second Degree (11-1-07472-9) was filed today against Anthony H. Smith, 25, who is accused in the shooting death of a 23-year-old woman in White Center on August 16. The charge includes a firearm enhancement. If convicted as charged, the sentence range is 16 to 24½ years in prison. Smith is scheduled to be arraigned on September 1 at 8:30 a.m. at the King County Courthouse, courtroom 1201. He remains in jail with bail set at $1 million.

Court documents include new details of what preceded the shooting – starting with an argument following a request for a cigarette. Read the narrative in full here.

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Got a bike? ‘Tunes and Tune-Ups’ on the way to Greenbridge next week

August 19th, 2011 at 12:42 am Posted in Arts, Greenbridge, Sustainability, Transportation, White Center news | Comments Off on Got a bike? ‘Tunes and Tune-Ups’ on the way to Greenbridge next week

Big event at Greenbridge next Wednesday!

Want to have a more cycle-centric White Center and South Park? We do too! Many organizations partnered to plan this FREE event for families in our neighborhood. Hope you can come to TUNES & TUNE-UPS & pass on the word.

The new date is Wed Aug 24th, 4pm – 6pm, Greenbridge Music in the Plaza Outdoor Concerts. Chain lube, brakes, flat tire repair.

Also, look for a monthly bike repair clinic on Sunday afternoons at Full Tilt Ice Cream, planned for September 2011.

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White Center murder suspect’s bail set at $1 million

August 18th, 2011 at 3:29 pm Posted in Crime, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center murder suspect’s bail set at $1 million

Gang rivalry is alleged to have sparked the fight that led to the deadly Tuesday shooting of 23-year-old Sweetheart Failautusi in White Center. That’s according to documents released by prosecutors after a bail hearing for the 25-year-old man arrested on Wednesday in Highland Park in connection with the murder. His bail was set at $1 million; the suspect waived his right to appear in person, so was not there. Next step in the case will be a King County Prosecuting Attorney decision on filing charges (Monday is the deadline), and of course two suspects remain at large – as the King County Sheriff’s Office noted in its official confirmation of the arrest. From the probable-cause documents, here’s what KCSO says happened after deputies heard gunshots and found the victim dead in the street:

… Detectives interviewed Sweetheart’s friends and learned that in the fight disturbance, Sweetheart and her friend had been in a physical altercation with a male who was later identified as [suspect] and his two friends. During this fight, a gun fell out of [suspect’s] waistband. The gun was recovered by one of [suspect’s] friends and the fight was over. [Suspect] had allegedly yelled “It’s not over, bitch, I’ll be right back” at Sweetheart. [Suspect] did return 36 minutes later with his two friends. [Suspect] then yelled ‘Bitch! F*** you!’ as he pulled out his handgun. [Suspect] reportedly did fire his gun three times and struck Sweetheart in the back of her head. …

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Merger creates the brand-new organization White Center Arts

August 18th, 2011 at 2:35 pm Posted in Arts, White Center news | Comments Off on Merger creates the brand-new organization White Center Arts

Just out of the inbox:

White Center has always had a wealth of arts and cultural activities. The newly formed, WHITE CENTER ARTS, the merger of two organizations – White Center Arts Alliance and White Center for the Arts unify efforts and resources in order to provide more arts and cultural experiences for the community. WHITE CENTER ARTS continues to cultivate partnerships of all backgrounds through the rich arts, culture and heritage diaspora that is prominent within the area:
Dear White Center Community and Arts Supporters,

The White Center Arts Alliance and White Center for the Arts are pleased to announce their merger into White Center’s new arts and cultural organization, White Center Arts. The merger, approved by board members of both White Center arts organizations on March 29, 2011, is the result of an open exchange of ideas and goals for arts and culture in the White Center area.
We thank all who have supported us with their time, energy, ideas and financial contributions, past and future, particularly founding members and out-going board members of both organizations! Without these important individuals, neither organization would be where they are today!! Special thanks to the artists and community members who have participated in and attended our local events including music nights, writers’ workshops, movie nights, monthly writers and tellers readings, poetry nights, and the Third Saturday Open Studio Tour, which morphed into the White Center 3rd Saturday Art Walk.

White Center Arts will continue to add to the vibrancy and positive energy in our community by building on the achievements of its predecessors. White Center Arts is being established to bring a strong and more cohesive arts and cultural voice to the White Center area. We look forward to continuing to build partnerships with both emerging artists and established artists, local groups and organizations as we create a strong and supportive network for the arts community.

Healthy businesses are an essential part of a healthy community. We have appreciated the support of our local businesses, and look forward to years of continuing partnership with the business district as together we work toward a healthy and vibrant community. If you haven’t been to a White Center 3rd Saturday Art Walk lately, please mark your calendar and check out the Art Walk blog: www.whitecenterartwalk.blogspot.com. Enjoy the art while supporting local White Center businesses. If you are an artist who would like to display your work at an upcoming Art Walk, please contact whitecenterartwalk@gmail.com.

White Center Arts is a White Center community arts and cultural organization. Community support is necessary to develop and support arts and culture in White Center. This support will also be the key to the success of White Center Arts. You are important to us, and we invite you to become involved. Here are some of the ways to do so:

1) becoming a member or join a planning committee – youth ambassadors welcomed

2) share your talents (artist of any genre, carpentry, photography, financial, writing, baking or event coordination, people-wrangling skills, etc)

3) participate or attend local events

If you are interested in participating in any way, listed or not, please contact WhiteCenterArts@gmail.com.
Thank your for all that you do for White Center!
White Center Arts – Current Board of Directors
Shelli Kay Park – Co-Chair
Nancy Calos-Nakano- Co-Chair
Amanda Kay Helmick- Vice-Chair / ArtWalk Co-Curator
Susan Cole- Treasurer
Devrim Ozkan -Secretary / ArtWalk Co-Curator
Phillip Levine, Bob Frey, Jerry Robison, Hiroshi Nakano, Randy Nichols, Liz Giba

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King County Sheriff’s Office officially announces shooting arrest

August 18th, 2011 at 11:09 am Posted in Crime, White Center news | 2 Comments »

As reported here and on partner site West Seattle Blog last night, a suspect is in jail in connection with the Tuesday morning shooting death of 23-year-old Sweetheart Failautusi. This morning, the King County Sheriff’s Office has officially announced it via this news release:

Yesterday afternoon at around 4:30 PM, a 25-year-old man was arrested for his role in the White Center homicide that occurred early Tuesday morning.

Detectives from the Sheriff’s Office Major Crimes Unit, along with members of the TAC-30 SWAT team and the Gang Unit all assisted in the peaceful apprehension of this suspect at his home, which was not far from the shooting scene. The identification of the suspect was made through deputies and detectives that work the White Center area, along with tips generated through the release of the surveillance footage.

“The citizens and business owners of White Center were upset to hear of this tragedy in their area,” according to Major James Graddon, Commander of the Sheriff’s Office West precinct. “They have been working hard with us for many years to improve public safety in their neighborhoods. This incident will ultimately be resolved through the continued support of the community and the efforts of the deputies and detectives.”

There are still two suspects outstanding in this incident. Any information that the public may have on any of the three suspects is still needed. Tips may be phoned in to (206) 296-3311 or 9-1-1.

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Suspect arrested in connection with White Center murder

August 17th, 2011 at 10:22 pm Posted in White Center news | Comments Off on Suspect arrested in connection with White Center murder

A homicide suspect has been booked into King County Jail this past hour, after reports emerged of an arrest in West Seattle in connection with the shooting death early yesterday of 23-year-old Sweetheart Failautusi at 15th/Roxbury. More details on partner site West Seattle Now.

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Sheriff’s Office releases surveillance video showing White Center shooting suspects

August 17th, 2011 at 12:08 pm Posted in White Center news | Comments Off on Sheriff’s Office releases surveillance video showing White Center shooting suspects

(Also posted to partner site West Seattle Blog)

That’s a video file just provided by the King County Sheriff’s Office (we uploaded it to YouTube for playback), which detectives hope might help solve yesterday morning’s shooting death of 23-year-old Sweetheart Failautusi. KCSO spokesperson Deputy Travis DeFries explains the video as follows:

There are still 3 suspects at-large and all are described as being black males in their early-to-mid 20’s.

Video surveillance footage from nearby businesses has been reviewed by detectives with the Sheriff’s Office Major Crimes Unit. All three suspects are captured on video and we are now asking for the public’s help in identifying them. Portions of the video have been blurred out to protect the identities of the witnesses and victim.

As shown on the slate at the start and finish of the clip – call 911 if you have any information about the suspects. (Meantime, memorials for the victim continue growing, both online and at the scene.)

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Election 2011: Results of note for White Center/North Highline/environs

August 16th, 2011 at 11:30 pm Posted in Election, White Center news | Comments Off on Election 2011: Results of note for White Center/North Highline/environs

King County Elections has released its one-and-only Election Night tally, with more results promised tomorrow afternoon. Of note for this area:

Of interest if you use the Alaskan Way Viaduct, Seattle Referendum 1 (tunnel-related): 60% yes, 40% no

King County Council District 8 (which includes White Center and environs): Joe McDermott* 67%, Diana Toledo 27%, Goodspaceguy 5%

King County Veterans/Human Services Levy: 66% yes, 34% no

And in neighboring-maybe-annexing Burien, former North Highline Unincorporated Area Council president Greg Duff is running second to Lucy Krakowiak in the City Council Position 2 race.

Full King County-wide results here; next count, tomorrow afternoon.

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White Center crime trends: The latest from King County Sheriff’s Office

August 16th, 2011 at 3:11 pm Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | 6 Comments »

The King County Sheriff’s Office looked up WC crime trends in response to questions raised by the overnight murder. This is the only homicide so far this year – and the May 2010 shooting nearby, mentioned here earlier, was the only one last year. But overall calls for assistance are way up – read on for the information from KCSO: Read the rest of this entry »

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White Center murder update: Family identifies victim as ‘Sweetheart’

August 16th, 2011 at 1:55 pm Posted in Crime, White Center news | 1 Comment »

Photo and report from WCN/WSB contributor Deanie Schwarz:

The 23-year-old victim’s name was Sweetheart, according to her cousin, Faatamalii Savea, who mourned Sweetheart at the memorial set up at the sidewalk berm outside of Bartell Drugs at 15th/Roxbury.

She told me “Sweetie” lived in the West Seattle neighborhood of High Point. Sweetie’s mother died of alcoholism four years ago; her father died in a car accident last year in downtown Seattle. She is survived by one sibling, a brother and a large extended family.

She also said Sweetie had an alcohol problem, which the family tried to help her with as much as they were able and that aside from that, she was a good person who lost a lot in the past few years. Sweetie, according to her cousin, could usually be found hanging out at the transit centers in WC and Burien.

For the latest on the investigation, see our report from this morning.

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Update: Woman shot to death at 15th/Roxbury in White Center

August 16th, 2011 at 2:14 am Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | 19 Comments »

(UPDATED 11:42 AM with official news release from KCSO; scroll down to read it)

ORIGINAL 2:14 AM REPORT: Two TV stations have tweeted that there’s been a deadly shooting near the Bartell Drugs store in White Center. Here’s a photo from our friends at KING 5, which shows numerous King County Sheriff’s Office units on the scene. We are on our way to find out more.

2:32 AM UPDATE: Added a photo from our crew on the scene. 15th is blocked off, right in front of the drug store – the victim’s body is in the middle of the street. Media crews, including ours, have been told that someone from King County Sheriff’s Office will be out to provide official information.

2:50 AM: Patrick Sand, at the scene for White Center Now/West Seattle Blog, says Roxbury traffic is not affected, but deputies are putting up even more “crime scene tape” around the Bartell store. 15th is blocked from Roxbury to the DSHS building.

3:05 AM: We and the other media crews at the scene have just been briefed. Information thus far: The victim is a 22-year-old woman, not identified publicly yet. The first call received by KCSO was about a fight; deputies responded, checked it out, talked with the people involved, who said everything was OK. But deputies stayed close by, then while walking about a block away, heard shots just after midnight – and found the body. They say they have not found a weapon so far and have not arrested anyone; they know some of the people involved in the original scuffling, so they’re scouring the streets for them. They also said the victim was “known to (KCSO)” but would not elaborate on how or why, except to say she and her friends often hung out in that area. We have the briefing on video and will add it here when our crew gets back. This, by the way, is not far from the scene of the deadly shooting in May 2010.

4:01 AM: We’re adding a few more photos from the scene; also, here’s the briefing by Deputy Travis DeFries. Our apology for the video quality – this is therefore more valuable for hearing what he has to say, than seeing it!

We’ll continue following this up and will add new information as it emerges through the morning.

11:41 AM: Here’s the official news release from Deputy DeFries. Note that the victim’s age has changed to 23; otherwise, the details are mostly the same. Deputy DeFries also notes he is gathering WC homicide/violence stats for release later.

A 23-year-old female is dead and detectives are working leads in a shooting incident that occurred overnight in the White Center area of King County.

This morning, at about 12:20 AM, deputies were called to the area of SW Roxbury St. and 15th Ave. SW by a passing witness for a fight disturbance. When deputies arrived they met with a small group of females, including the now deceased victim of the shooting. Deputies were told that the disturbance was minor and that the other group, which consisted of 3 black males, had left the area. The group of women declined to speak further about the incident.

Deputies stayed in the general area and began to walk on foot to increase their visibility and to try to prevent further violence from erupting. Just before 1:00 AM these deputies heard several gun shots coming from the area of the original disturbance. When the returned they found the victim laying in the middle of 15th Ave. SW with at least one gunshot wound. Witnesses said that at least 2 of the original 3 black males had returned and one then fired on the victim. The suspects then fled the scene on foot.

At this point, no suspects are in custody and no weapon has been recovered. Detectives from the Major Crimes Unit are investigating. We have not been able to rule out if this was gang-related or not. Detectives from the Sheriff’s Office Gang Unit will be assisting, as needed.

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This Saturday: ‘Shop Fresh’ to explore White Center’s produce possibilities

August 15th, 2011 at 12:16 pm Posted in Food, Health, White Center Community Development Association, White Center news | Comments Off on This Saturday: ‘Shop Fresh’ to explore White Center’s produce possibilities

Five days till the big “Shop Fresh” event around White Center – here’s the official announcement:

The White Center Community Development Association is leading the effort to organize the first White Center Business District Summer Shop Fresh Event in the White Center Business District on Saturday, August 20th from 5-7pm.

The purpose of this event is to raise the awareness of fresh, healthy foods now available in six produce markets and three Halal stores in White Center’s business district. “Exploring Summer Shop Fresh by foot in White Center’s walkable, pedestrian-friendly business district, will allow visitors to purchase healthy fruits and vegetables while learning about unique culinary traditions of our community neighbors,” said Aileen Balahadia, Executive Director of the White Center Community Development Association. The White Center CDA is a catalyst for a healthy community and new prosperity in White Center – creating a better place to visit, shop, and live.

As White Center shoppers enter participating Summer Shop Fresh stores, they will check in at a “Healthy Foods Here” table where attendees will participate in an activity relating to healthy food and fitness. Afterward, they will be gifted a “Spend $6, Get $3 Off” coupon. For every $3 dollars of money spent on a purchase, White Center residents will be able to use this coupon to buy additional food. The coupon is only valid for purchase on August 20 and at participating stores. The more stores the residents visit, the more coupons they will be gifted.

Healthy food cooking demonstrations will also be provided at one of the markets. There are nine food stores participating in the event: Lee’s Produce, West Seattle Halal Market, White Center Market, White Center Mini Market Halal and Deli, White Center International Deli and Halal Store, Phnom Khiev, Samway Market, Hung Long Asian Market and New Golden Village Market.

The White Center CDA thanks co-sponsor Healthy Foods Here project which supports small, local businesses selling fresh fruits and vegetables become certified in the Federal Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food stamps. Stores that accept SNAP and WIC increase access to healthy foods for low-income residents. For more information about the Healthy Foods Here project, please visit the official website at www.healthyfoodshere.com.

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Next Saturday’s White Center Art Walk: Live, live, everywhere

August 14th, 2011 at 9:34 am Posted in Arts, White Center news | Comments Off on Next Saturday’s White Center Art Walk: Live, live, everywhere

The monthly White Center Art Walk announcement is out – and the theme is “live art” – all over the place!

White Center 3rd Saturday Art Walk
August 20th, 2011 6-9pm

We’ve brought a film festival & live painting…This time we went for the whole shabang! This month we are celebrating Live Performance all over White Center! There will be dance-flash mob style, live painting and music for all your artistic needs. Come join us for the fun events we’re putting out there!


Big Al Brewing (9832 14th Avenue SW): Mantisart-Andrew Miller-http://mantisart.wordpress.com– Mixed Media. I continue to be amazed by what this man puts into the universe. Miller makes all types of art: illustration, paintings, films and hand painted photographs.. Not having seen his films I can easily say his hand painted photos are my all time favorite. He creates multi-dimensional, thick, raw textured photographs by layering and scratching away paint from the surface of his prints. Sometimes they take on an almost dream-like-familiar-feeling that pulls you into a place you may have (never?) been before. His ability to take you on a journey you weren’t sure planned for is one of the reasons I always enjoy his work. It’s a big slice of magic for your unsuspecting eye. Come grab a pint of Lowman Brau (where partial proceeds go towards the WC food bank-DRINK! So other people can eat!), tour the Mantisart experience and grab a seat in the courtyard. You’ll be rockin out with ALL MIXED UP an 80’s flash-back-to-your-favorite-parts cover band!

Company (9608 16th SW): Private Collection- Mixed Media. I always get a surge of excitement in my backbone when I walk into Company after an art rotation. They take their art as serious as they take their Sunday night dinners (a new concoction every Sunday that even your mom couldn’t pull off) This month the art will be a surprise for us all. So keep your panties where people can’t see them- this one’s gonna be a doozie.

Dubsea (9910 8th Ave SW): Naomi Cox of Spill Studio-http://www.spillstudio.com/blog/-Illustration and Design. Cox has gathered up a collection of fresh sketches to share with Dubsea Coffee’s guests and the White Center community. Keeping her sketchbook handy, Naomi creates art inspired by everyday life — favorite Seattle spots, food, family and bright bits of nature. Pen sketches come to life with added touches of watercolor, gouache and colored pencil. Stop by and visit her work while sucking down some of White Center’s best coffee.

Salvadorean Bakery (1719 SW Roxbury): Chau Dang- http://ltdspace.net/– Catchy Cartoons- If you missed Chau at Proletariat last month, we have good news! Her quirky sense of humor will be all over Salvadorean Bakery this month. Stop by for one of their mouth watering breakfasts and have a good chuckle cuz this little lady knows how to bring the funnies.

Café Rozella (9434 Delridge Way SW): Sidewalk Sale! 4pm-7pm. Come support White Center Arts by bringing home lightly used goodies for your homestead. There will be a community rummage sale in front of Rozellas to help raise funding for a fantastic arts organization thats focused on keeping the arts in fabulous White Center. Hope to see you there!

Dzul Tattoo (9622-B 16th Ave SW): Katie & Alex- Black & White Photography. Drop in for funky grooves and an eye-full of new body ink. Updated B&W photos of the newest generation of ink, dripping with permanence. This shop has spirit and enough eye-candy to chew on for days.

3.14 (9602 16th Ave SW): Amanda Kay Helmick- www.junkartkin.com– Mixed Media- This woman doesn’t just get to know her canvas, she tears it up! No… literally. She tears her canvases and stitches them… and weaves them…and affixes earthy, rough, found objects to them…sometimes she connects all of her doo-mah-higgies with one fantastical piece of ‘follow-me-to-where-I-am-going’ string!. Then she paints them and loves them and names them and sells them. You should participate in the last part. It will make your wall very, very happy. Come check out her work while The Kevin Helmick Eperience tears up the stage with their wonderous musical stylings (I might even say- Amanda’s “with the band” if you know what I’m talkin ‘bout…). Not enough?! Then we’ll throw in Amara Kopakova to do a little live painting….because we love you THAT much!

Full Tilt Ice Cream (9629 16th Ave SW): Katherine Gooding- Photography- What a treat! Katherine is a local White Center artist who has managed to take all the magic of Jubilee Days and put it on film. Her well attuned eye is bringing us so many favorite parts of summer in White Center. Come by Full Tilt and share in more favorites. Perhaps a waffle cone stuffed with Mexican Chocolate ice cream and a well composed pictures of the Rishis Egyptian Belly Dancers!?

Proletariat Pizza – (9622-A 16th Ave SW)- Saingbey Woodtor – www.glossyblack.org -Design & Illustration- Bold-lined illustrations that have a fluid, organic nature about them. His creations are clean, well thought out and manage to keep your eye freely flowing over the entirety of the image. Ranging from black & white to bold, unrelenting color, Saingbey promises to deliver a show that will keep your both your eyes and mind fulfilled. Come check him out and kiss the new Proletariat delivery bicycle on your way in. That thing is dead-sexy!

Herban Legends (Medical Marijuana Dispensary)- (9619 16th Ave SW)- Group Show!- Larry ‘the front desk guy’ is putting together a real treat this month. In honor of our Live Performance month, Larry will be hosting a “Culture with a Kick- Boxed Wine Tasting”. Some of you may be nay sayers (my fridge states otherwise) about the boxed wine epidemic, here is your chance to be pleasantly surprised. It will not be poured out of a basketball (some of your favorite NBA players used to put the wine bladder in an old b-ball so it wasn’t open for public view and they could have some refreshing Franzia on the court) but it will be accompanied by Live Painters and bitchin’ tunes. This DJ has yet to dissapoint. Come on in after 7:30 and appreciate all the finer things in life (Well some of ‘em at least). And Larry? You are so much more than ‘the front desk guy’ and we know it. One day we will even get your beautiful art into White Center proper.

3.14 Bakery- (9602 16th Ave SW)- The Kevin Helmick Experience-
After playing drums in the americana project John Olive then playing keyboard and saxophone in funky groove project Roxbury Pound, Kevin has neglected performing some of his most intimate and thoughtful songs he’s written over the last few years. Having at one time fronted for the band ‘Drizzle’, Kevin’s guitar and vocals have since been hidden from public view as he performs in a variety of bands such as Fire All Lasers!, Katy Reichlin, and GoGo Sugar on large stages around the northwest. This performance is a rare occasion to see one of Seattle’s premier musician’s most closely held works.

Big Al Brewing-(9832 14th Avenue SW)- All Mixed Up!- ‘Contagious popular music from the 80’s’. These guys are bringing it back old school. Music that makes you want to gel your hair, don a white shoulder-padded jacket, fold up your sleeves and tight roll your pants. Come shake your goods with the cars tribute band that will knock your pushed down socks off. They’ll be hitting the stage at 6:30. I suggest a pitcher of Irish Red. No- seriously, it’s delicious.

Full Tilt- Ice Cream (9629 16th Ave SW)- Rats in the Grass- These peeps bring a level of awesome to every show that is unnatural. Their band currently consists of Guitar, Bass, Mandolin, Banjo and Fiddle HOW COULD THAT NOT EXCITE YOU!? Come have a pint of ice cream and a pint of beer while you tap your feet to some seriously happy tunes.


Amara Kopakova
Eric Edwards
Dave Bloomfield-Starheadboy
Ryan Henry Ward
Xavier Lopez Jr.
Patricia Ariel
Paul Sorey

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You’re invited to sendoff for Highline Public Schools superintendent

August 12th, 2011 at 11:14 pm Posted in Highline School District, Schools, White Center news | Comments Off on You’re invited to sendoff for Highline Public Schools superintendent

From Highline Public Schools:

Community members, parents, and Highline staff are invited to a program honoring Superintendent John Welch on Wednesday, August 24, 5:00-6:00 p.m. at the school district central office (ERAC) at 15675 Ambaum Blvd SW in Burien.

The event will be “open mic”, giving people an opportunity to make remarks thanking Welch for his work in Highline.

Welch has served as Highline’s superintendent since July 2005. On September 1, he will become the new superintendent of the Puget Sound Educational Service District (PSESD) in Renton. PSESD is a regional educational agency that serves all school districts in King and Pierce counties.

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