In case you couldn’t make it, we recorded video of the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting last Thursday. Here’s what you’ll see:
*Discussion of litter problems by Marcia Wollam and Dick Thurnau
*(14 minutes in) King County Sheriff’s Deputy BJ Myers‘ briefing. Highlights:
*He says that auto theft has continued to be “high”; he said it’s vital to report the theft as soon as possible but that won’t help if you don’t know your license-plate number – that information not only helps them watch for the plate, but also tells them something very specific about the car, from the state-licensing system. If you don’t think you can remember it, take a cameraphone picture and save it so you can refer to it if you have to.
*He also mentioned a warrant and arrest related to mail theft that led to the recovery of “bags and bags and bags of stolen property.” He said it sent the message “mail theft is something we will kick in a door for.”
*He also mentioned multiple incidents while people were filling up their cars at Roxbury Safeway and called it “alarming” – anywhere you’re filling up, keep an eye on your car, because brazen criminals might come right up to it.
*Sustainable Seattle‘s Hannah Kett spoke about the “Greening the Grounds” project at Holy Family Parish and School, with raingardens and a food garden in the works. They’re seeking “Greening Committee” members,
*Weed Warriors – Grace Stiller from this nonprofit spoke about the noxious weeds that everyone should watch out for – for example, pretty as scotch-broom flowers are, their seeds are viable for 45 years!
*Board discussion of Seattle’s annexation intent for two areas of South Park, and the city’s stated intent to “discuss” the possibility of a North Highline annexation vote in the future
Coming up at future meetings: King County Assessor Lloyd Hara in March, when NHUAC also will (UPDATED – see comments) hear the latest on marijuana laws.