HELP NEEDED: White Center Food Bank’s call for donations

February 4th, 2022 Tracy Posted in How to Help, White Center Food Bank, White Center news 1 Comment »

The White Center Food Bank needs your help, if you can donate food. Here’s the announcement we received:

We are running low on the following items and need our community to help fill the shelves:

Soup (pop top)
Peanut Butter
Sugar (in a box)
Condiments (BBQ, mustard, mayo)
Coffee & Tea
Soy Sauce
Mac and Cheese
Ramen Noodles
Black Pepper

Donation hours at the food bank are 8 am-3:30 pm M-F, 10829 8th Ave SW.

Please get in touch with a staff member when you arrive and they can help load in.

If those hours or location are not convenient, we have donation barrels located at:

– BECU in Roxbury Safeway
– Moonshot Coffee
– Good Day Donuts
– Future Primitive Beer
– White Center and Fauntleroy Starbucks locations

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White Center Food Bank chooses Carmen Smith as new executive director

October 7th, 2021 Tracy Posted in White Center Food Bank, White Center news 2 Comments »

The White Center Food Bank has a new executive director, though she’s not new to the WCFB. Here’s the announcement we received this morning:

The White Center Food Bank Board of Directors has announced Carmen Smith as the new Executive Director of the organization.

Carmen joined us in February 2017 as Community Outreach Manager where she worked her way up through organization development and community engagement division before moving into an Associate Executive Director and then Interim Executive Director for the last several months. Carmen comes to us with a robust background in food equity. From her experience working with international hunger relief organizations to grassroots nonprofits in food justice, she knows that relationships are the most vital part of any organization. Carmen has her Master’s in Public Administration from the Maxwell School. As the Executive Director, she brings this understanding to nurture invaluable partnerships for the White Center Food Bank. The WCFB is amidst several projects, including finding a new location, Carmen’s leadership in this important work has already proven invaluable.

“On behalf of the Board of Directors, please join us in welcoming Carmen to her new role as the Executive Director. Her passion and dedication to the work at hand is obvious and inspiring.” said Gabbi Gonzales, White Center Food Bank Board President.

(Photo from

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White Center Food Bank search, King County plans, more @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s first 2021 meeting

February 7th, 2021 Tracy Posted in King County, King County Sheriff's Office, North Highline UAC, White Center Food Bank, White Center news 1 Comment »

By Tracy Record
White Center Now editor

The White Center Food Bank‘s search for a new home and King County reps’ update on local services headlined Thursday night’s online meeting of the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council.

WHITE CENTER FOOD BANK: Associate executive director Carmen Smith was the guest. While she discussed WCFB’s search for a new home – since its current site is going to be redeveloped for affordable housing and other nonprofits’ headquarters – she offered some background and other updates first. WCFB is dedicated to ensuring that food is a right, not a privilege. WCFB has been around almost half a century.

COVID 19 has forced WCFB to switch to an outdoor grocery sort of model, Farmers’ Market-style.

Clients can visit the WCFB up to three times a month – here’s how their usage increased last year

“The community really showed up for us (last year),” Smith said.

Relocation has been at least four years in the making – even if they had chosen to be part of the redevelopment, they surveyed clients and found that the current location is “really hard to get to.” They were missing “a large pocket of northeast WC.”

They’ve been looking for a new home for “almost two years now and not having a lot of luck.” A property on 13th SW near Steve Cox Memorial Park looked good but someone else is buying it. They’ve looked at a wide range of possibilities and “nothing is the right fit.” They’ve got a few more to review, such as the former Bank of America building, finally on the market. Here’s what they’re looking for:

They really want to stay in WC but could move outside if it comes to that. Their deadline for getting out of the current location “might be within the next year” depending on how the permits for the redevelopment goes. “It’s super-scary,” Smith acknowledged.

Is the county helping? NHUAC’s Liz Giba asked. County Councilmember Joe McDermott said yes.

What about the never-used Top Hat quarantine site? “It looks kind of small,” Smith observed. McDermott said that could be a possibility – that site’s future is supposed to be decided with community consultation.

KING COUNTY: Councilmember McDermott was asked to offer some highlights of what’s going on. He started with the county’s COVID-19 response. He hit some recent highlights such as King County (and six others comprising two “regions”) moving to reopening phase 2 as of this past Monday. Vaccinations were the main topic of his e-newsletter last week (see it here).

He said it’s important for people to know they’re not alone in having trouble making appointments.

Though the county has never had to activate the aforementioned Top Hat quarantine site, it continues to maintain the site to be ready if needed, ‘for the duration of the pandemic.” He also acknowledged the ongoing interest in a Housing/Opportunity analysis for North Highline. There’s a similar type of review, for housing only, that’s been done and will be presented in a County Council committee; McDermott promised to let NHUAC know about hearings and meetings.

Next, KC Local Services director John Taylor presented updates. “We’ve been out a lot,” distributing masks and hand sanitizer, especially in unincorporated areas with a large low-income population:

Local Services also has been “working on getting local businesses to survive this pandemic”:

Community Needs List development is also big.

Money for participatory budgeting will come from sources including marijuana taxes.

Taylor also noted that Local Services’s major divisions have kept running throughout the pandemic – Road Services has been busy:

Permitting also has been going “full speed ahead,” Taylor said:

Then, Q&A: How will community members participating in the participatory budgeting be identified? asked NHUAC’s Barbara Dobkin. “We don’t know yet,” said Taylor, but noted that racial equity will factor into it. McDermott said they’re “making sure we have a broad input to decide how to spend these funds.”

What’s being evaluated for mass-vaccination sites? McDermott was asked. He noted that Kent and Renton were chosen because of the transmission rates in those areas. County sites are meant to be stopgaps but if you have a health-care provider, that’s your first stop.

When will the fireworks-ban bill be on a committee agenda? he was asked. It has been re-introduced, and on February 17th at 9:30 am, it’ll go before the Committee of the Whole, he said.

Other discussion included the concentration of low-income housing in White Center, and potential zoning changes compounding existing “substandard development.” Taylor countered that now is the time to speak up about what you want to see in zoning. “To be sure, there’s a tradeoff between more density and quality of life in a community … but there’s also a sweet spot.”

Giba thanked the county for allotting masks and hand sanitizer to the North Highline Fire District and said NHFD will have a distribution event in March.

McDermott wrapped up by reflecting on the effects of the pandemic beyond health and economy … even something as seemingly simple as the fact this meeting had to be held online. “I hope we will build back better.”

KING COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE: Maj. Jeffrey Flohr spoke about an emphasis patrol held around the turn of the year, adding an extra car to Skyway/White Center – making three cars at that time instead of the usual two – for a few hours a night. That happened in a time of rising violence, drug problems, and traffic trouble.

Firearms crimes and “narcotic distribution crimes” have been a focus. Most of the latter have been people coming in from other communities to sell drugs and guns “to our residents” …. “people in crisis” that were being “preyed on.” He showed the results of just one night:

One suspect known to deputies had a lot of drugs on him “and we were really excited to get him off the streets. Maj. Flohr qlso showed fake Oxy pills that are actually made from fentanyl and are endangering people.

A traffic stop netted this gun and drugs.

Fury the drug-detection dog helped:

Dogs like Fury are NOT trained to detect marijuana, Maj. Flohr said … just illegal drugs. The table Fury is sitting on included drugs seized in White Center and elsewhere – worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Fake credit cards and tools to make them, too, plus thousands of dollars in cash; six people were arrested, and one child was taken into protective custody. “None of these people were from our area,” Maj. Flohr stressed, saying none were addicts, either – just involved in “business” with “poison.” In response to a question, he said the suspects are still in jail.

Here’s what KCSO is focusing on:

They are working on “wraparound services,” he said.

Whatever happened to Block Watches? asked an attendee. “We’re trying to get this going again,” said Maj. Flohr, as the result of many community comments.

Another question: What’s being done to address the root cause of all this? Best Starts for Kids is one thing, Taylor mentioned. also: Deputies are getting trained in LEAD, which has long been in the works for White Center, Flohr said.

Storefront Deputy Bill Kennamer‘s update was next. He said traffic complaints on 106th and 107th have been on his radar – literally – he spends time there clocking cars but is not detecting many speeders.

Commercial burglaries in the unincorporated South Park area and Beverly Park have been a problem – 9600 block of 4th Ave. S., “a very dark industrial neighborhood” – he’s met with businesses and discussed crime-prevention advice. Last month saw 8 commercial burglaries – “up a lot” – and 2 residential burglaries.

The 9800 block 18th SW problem house is believed to be linked to a trash problem that the county has cleaned up;

Kennamer is working on a case against the house.

Another recurring problem: RVs and abandoned cars. He tries to get RV dwellers into housing but “100 percent of the time it’s been unsuccessful,” he says. LEAD outreach services will be a game-changer, he believes. “There should be more counselors and advocates out in the area. Right now there are none.” Towing or impounding an RV is a last resort, said Maj. Flohr.

One last point – “a lady who is breaking windows in White Center” has behavioral issues and “we have nowhere to take her.” She broke windows on 16th SW with a hammer, he elaborated.

NEXT MEETING: 7 pm March 4th; watch for the link.

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THURSDAY: White Center Food Bank’s future, King County Local Services, more, @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council

February 1st, 2021 Tracy Posted in King County, King County Sheriff's Office, North Highline UAC, White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on THURSDAY: White Center Food Bank’s future, King County Local Services, more, @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council

Big lineup this Thursday at the online meeting of the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council – here’s the preview:

The Opportunity to Be Informed, Be Involved and Be Heard!

Where: North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Meeting
When: Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 7 pm
How: Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 987 5068 2577
Passcode (all caps}: NHUAC2021

Unable to join via Zoom? Please Call: 1 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 987 5068 2577
Passcode: 956569157

Happy Groundhog Day to North Highline, movie buffs and Bill Murray fans! 2020 is over and 2021 offers new opportunities to support a healthy community that does not back away from our struggles. At our last meeting with Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon and Sen. Joe Nguyen, we heard that the White Center Food Bank (WCFB) may soon be displaced from its home near Dick Thurnau Memorial Park. WCFB’s Associate Executive Director Carmen Smith will join our first meeting of 2021 to update us on this essential community organization.

Because North Highline is an unincorporated area (not part of a city), King County serves as both our regional (county) and local (municipal) governments. Many of the decisions that will form our future are being made by King County Executive Dow Constantine and the King County Council and implemented by King County’s Department of Local Services. King County government is a common denominator for the people of North Highline. Its impact includes: COVID-19 to public health to economic and ethnic justice to segregation and discrimination to displacement, fair housing and opportunity to schools, parks and open spaces to density and permitting to roads and infrastructure, police, and public safety to fireworks and cannabis shops to taxes and the budget….

That is why NHUAC is pleased that we will also be joined by King County Councilmember Joe McDermott and John Taylor, Director of the Department of Local Services.

The King County Sheriff’s Office is another essential part of our community. This month we will be joined by Major Jeffrey Flohr and Deputy Bill Kennamer.

Knowledge is power.
Learn, share, and help make North Highline a better place.
Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 7 pm – Tell a Neighbor!

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VIDEO: Special delivery for National Guard helpers at White Center Food Bank

May 20th, 2020 Tracy Posted in Health, Transportation, White Center Food Bank, White Center news 1 Comment »

(WCN photos/video)

The White Center Food Bank is among the food banks that have been getting help from the Washington National Guard. And today, the helpers got some help themselves – eight bicycles!

That’s Stephen Rowley from Cascade Bicycle Club. He delivered loaner bikes to the WCFB today for the National Guard members to use. Their leader, Sgt. Aaron Smith, explained:

Rowley explained that these bicycles are usually used in activities at schools, but since those aren’t happening right now, they were available.

The borrowers are expected to keep them for several weeks.

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COUNTDOWN: 3 days until White Center Food Bank’s dinner/auction!

September 11th, 2019 Tracy Posted in How to Help, White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on COUNTDOWN: 3 days until White Center Food Bank’s dinner/auction!

Got your ticket(s) yet?

The White Center Food Bank’s 15th Annual Harvest Dinner & Auction fundraiser is September 14th from 6 PM – 10 PM at the Brockey Center at South Seattle College. The theme is “Growing Together” to celebrate what the food bank and its supporters have been growing together.

Keeping with the theme, WCFB will have a former Key Club volunteer from New Start High School share her story and how she has grown. WCFB will present The Doris Bemis Volunteer of the Year Award. Dinner will be served family style.

Featured items in the Live Auction include: “The Best of White Center” package, a fire hydrant from KC Water District 20, Dinner for 4 made by Chef Erik Jackson of Good Day Donuts, a kayaking trip for 2 in the San Juan Islands, and a farm to table dinner for 8 at WCFB featuring food grown onsite and Convergence Zone Cellars wine.

Tickets are $75. Get them here. Questions? Please email: or call 206-717-2531.

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PHOTOS: 14th annual Harvest Dinner helps White Center Food Bank fight hunger

October 21st, 2018 Tracy Posted in White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on PHOTOS: 14th annual Harvest Dinner helps White Center Food Bank fight hunger

(WCN photos)

Fighting hunger can be tasty. Last night hundreds of White Center Food Bank supporters gathered at South Seattle College‘s Brockey Center were reminded of that during the 14th annual Harvest Dinner, which also included a “dessert dash”:

We stopped by in the early going – here are WCFB executive director Marèlle Habenicht and development director Carmen Smith:

Emcee for the night, Seattle Channel’s Brian Callanan:

From one of the WCFB’s nonprofit partners, WestSide Baby, here’s executive director Nancy Woodland:

Many cool auction items were donated, including distinctly local swag:

If you weren’t there, you can still support WCFB – which serves part of West Seattle too – just go here.

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VIDEO: 250 superheroes run and walk in White Center 5K 2018

March 24th, 2018 Tracy Posted in White Center Community Development Association, White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on VIDEO: 250 superheroes run and walk in White Center 5K 2018

10:42 AM: Those are some of the ~250 people (and a few dogs!) who hit the road for this morning’s White Center 5K. The run/walk, which started and finished at White Center Heights Park, again carried a “superhero” theme – and everyone who participated was a superhero by raising money for the White Center Community Development Association, White Center Food Bank, and YES Foundation of White Center. We’ll be adding photos shortly!

ADDED 12:22 PM: As promised:

(WCN photos by Patrick Sand)

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White Center Food Bank announces executive director’s departure, lists 2017 accomplishments, looks ahead to 2018

December 13th, 2017 Tracy Posted in White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on White Center Food Bank announces executive director’s departure, lists 2017 accomplishments, looks ahead to 2018

Just received tonight from the White Center Food Bank, an open letter to its “stakeholders”:

We wanted to take a moment to let you know about some of the changes taking place at the White Center Food Bank and fill you in on a few of the exciting things we are working on to better serve our clients.

You may have heard that the Board hired Angela Beard as our Executive Director in July 2017. Angela has since decided to move on to another opportunity, so Carolynn Ferris has returned as the Interim Executive Director for the time being.

The staff is continuing to work hard on providing the highest quality food, produce and baby supplies for the clients we serve. By the end of 2017, we expect to have accomplished:

 Over 70,200 clients and 24,000 households served in White Center

 Over 1,056,00 pounds of food distributed

 More than doubled the amount of fresh produce made available in 2017 versus 2016

 Increased the focus on culturally appropriate foods

 17,000 volunteer hours donated

We are working on building out our programs in 2018 to reach even more people within the community in ways that directly impact their lives in healthy ways. Some of the things to look for include:

 We have received a grant to broaden our community garden program; we are calling our food bank garden Grow2Give. Not only will we be expanding the garden to grow more fresh, culturally relevant and organic produce, but we also will be holding classes to teach those in our community the best growing methods for our climate, and create a gardener network to share information and resources.

 Mara, our Community Garden Manager, will be working with Cascade Middle School in the coming year to help them continue to establish their own garden and engage the students in nutrition, gardening, and healthy soils education.

 An intern from the University of Washington will be joining us early in the year with the task of modifying the produce distribution area to enhance the “shopping” experience of our clients and encourage healthy choices.

As a poignant reminder of how we impact our community, we must share the story of Rosemary. She recently left us this note: “Without this food bank, I wouldn’t be able to feed my family through the month. My income is too high to receive SNAP benefits, but I still need help making rent each month since it has doubled in the past two years. I am so grateful for the food bank’s services. Thank you.”

We look forward to your continuing support and input to further our mission.

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GIVING BEFORE THANKSGIVING: Donate turkeys to White Center Food Bank

November 17th, 2017 Tracy Posted in How to Help, White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on GIVING BEFORE THANKSGIVING: Donate turkeys to White Center Food Bank

You can help fight holiday hunger by donating turkeys to the White Center Food Bank – and someone will be there almost every day before Thanksgiving to accept whatever you can give. WCFB is on the southwest corner of 8th SW and SW 108th, and promises someone will be there 10 am-4 pm Saturday and 9 am-5 pm each day Monday-Wednesday.

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SATURDAY: White Center Food Bank Block Party!

August 25th, 2017 Tracy Posted in White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on SATURDAY: White Center Food Bank Block Party!

Happening tomorrow (Saturday, August 26th) at 8th/108th:

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White Center Food Bank announces Dr. Angela Beard as new executive director

June 8th, 2017 Tracy Posted in White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on White Center Food Bank announces Dr. Angela Beard as new executive director

Just announced by the White Center Food Bank – the new WCFB executive director:

On behalf of our community, our clients, and the Board, staff and volunteers at the White Center Food Bank, we would like to cordially and excitedly welcome our new leader, Dr. Angela Beard.

After an exhaustive search for a candidate to lead our amazing Food Bank into the future, we are excited to welcome Dr. Beard into our community.

Dr. Angela C. Beard has been a nonprofit practitioner, board member and scholar for nearly 30 years. Dr. Beard began her fundraising career as the grants manager for Pacific Northwest Ballet and has held leadership positions in fund development at ArtsFund, the Museum of History and Industry, the Seattle Repertory Theatre and Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestras.

Dr. Beard served as Executive Director at Cancer Lifeline, a nonprofit dedicated to improving the quality of life for cancer patients and survivors.

Before joining the White Center Food Bank, she was an instructor in the Masters of Nonprofit Leadership program at Seattle University.

Dr. Beard has provided consultant services to numerous local and national organizations including Delridge Neighborhood Development Association and a year-long project national project studying fundraising practices in social justice organizations with the Research Center for Leadership in Action at New York University. In 2011 she received her doctorate in public administration from the Robert F. Wagner School at New York University, specializing in nonprofit management, financial management, applied statistics and survey/sampling techniques.

Dr. Beard has also served on the boards of several nongovernmental organizations in both the arts and human service sectors. In her spare time, she loves to read, travel, craft, rollerblade and chase after her four rescued critters Tinsel, Poppy, Raven, and Momo.

She will officially be joining us in July, but feel free to extend a warm welcome to our new leader and Executive Director, Dr. Angela Beard!

Longtime WCFB leader Rick Jump announced his retirement back in January.

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FOLLOWUP: What’s up with White Center Food Bank changes

February 20th, 2017 Tracy Posted in White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on FOLLOWUP: What’s up with White Center Food Bank changes

After recent news of two top staffers leaving the White Center Food Bank, we asked the followup question: What’s really going on? Spokesperson Ian Smithgall sent the following open letter in reply:

To the community of support for The White Center Food Bank:

As many people may know, The White Center Food Bank has been going through changes over the past few months. Over this time, we have not been very transparent about many of the changes happening and we would like to take this time to be honest and open. We are hoping that this is the start to a more transparent White Center Food Bank, and more direct community engagement with the White Center, West Seattle, Highline and Burien communities.

First, we want to address the recent retirement of our longtime leader, Richard Jump. He retired on his own accord and did so under more short notice than he or the organization would have liked. However, his departure was not a surprise as he had already started conversations about setting a retirement date.

Beyond the personal reasons outlined in our previous press release, Rick felt comfortable leaving when and how he did because The White Center Food Bank team was growing and he was confident in the abilities of the remaining staff to be able to ‘weather the storm’ and grow from his legacy. We, now and forever, wish him the best and he will always be an integral part of who we are as an organization.

At this same time, a portion of our Board of Directors retired from their positions. Each retiring member had personal reasons for leaving the organization, and their departure was done with the best intentions in mind for the future of the White Center Food Bank. This change also allowed the board to look strategically towards the future, engaging in intentional board development that will prepare us for a capital campaign to grow our services and physical space at our current location in the near future.

Finally, upon Audrey Zemke’s recent retirement, The White Center Food Bank had to re-focus on our mission of continuing to keep White Center fed. Audrey was integral in the building and developing of our programs at The White Center Food Bank, and we would not be the organization we are today without the kindness and dignity that she provided to those in crisis on a daily basis. She is an inspiration to our team and will continue to shape the organization, long after her retirement.

Our commitment to keep White Center fed, coupled with the retiring of our longstanding leaders, has led the remaining Board of Directors and Staff to engage with Loveall Price & Associates – a consulting firm who is now providing staff support and development, organizational restructuring, and an acting Interim Executive Director – Carolynn Ferris – who will be guiding us through this transition. Carolynn and the LPA team will then assist us through an Executive Director search to find our new organizational leader within the year.

We have also recently hired a new Volunteer Coordinator, Carmen Smith, who will be engaging in volunteer management, recruitment and engagement within the community!

The staff and Board at The White Center Food Bank would like to let our community know that we are extremely hopeful and excited for the future. We were lucky to have had such wonderful community of support and leadership with Rick and Audrey, and we are looking forward to being able to build upon their legacy. While there will be more changes in the future, we hope that you will continue to support us in our mission to minimize hunger in the neighborhood and to provide the best emergency food services possible. We will always fight to #KeepWhiteCenterFed – come join us!


The Board, staff, volunteers and clients of the White Center Food Bank.

P.S. We also just updated our logo and website! Check it out!

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Another high-level departure @ White Center Food Bank: Audrey Zemke

February 7th, 2017 Tracy Posted in White Center Food Bank, White Center news 1 Comment »

One month after the White Center Food Bank announced the retirement of longtime executive director Rick Jump, it’s announcing another top-level departure. Just out of the inbox:

After over 9 years of rewarding work with the White Center Food Bank, Operations Manager Audrey Zemke will be leaving. Her last day is February 17.

Moving from Volunteer Coordinator to Operations Manager, Audrey has had the job of working with volunteers and many organizations to make sure hungry families received emergency food assistance. A West Seattle resident, Audrey has taken pride in facilitating getting food to hungry people while treating the
clients with dignity.

She said, “It has been great to work in an organization that fits a lot of my strengths and where I can take pride in the organization’s mission and programs.” Over the past nine years, the organization’s support and programming have both grown dramatically. It isn’t uncommon for all 5 of the food bank’s vans to be out some days and that means a lot is happening.

Audrey has enjoyed the varied tasks and people she has worked with. She looks forward to having more time in the near future to do photography and spending time with friends and family. She will miss the people at the food bank but will be back in White Center for visits and is excited to see what the future brings to The White Center Food Bank.

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White Center Food Bank executive director Rick Jump to retire

January 8th, 2017 Tracy Posted in White Center Food Bank, White Center news 2 Comments »

(Also posted to partner site West Seattle Blog)

Announced late tonight – the longtime executive director of the White Center Food Bank is retiring. Here’s how Rick Jump announced it:

To the clients, donors, volunteers, and staff of the White Center Food Bank and to the greater
White Center Community:

I have lived in White Center for 35 years; raised my children here, forged lifelong friendships, built partnerships, and helped to grow the White Center Food Bank for the past twelve years. It has been both my professional and personal passion to help support the most vulnerable in our community.

It is a unique place – one built on community, diversity, and resiliency despite the many challenges we have faced.

I am proud to call White Center my home.

This is why my decision to retire as the Executive Director of the White Center Food Bank is made with a heavy heart. I arrived at this decision after both I and my wife, Judy, have struggled with health issues in recent months. As much as I love this community, after 12 years of dedicating my life to helping others, it is time that Judy and I take care of ourselves.

I leave the White Center Food Bank knowing that it is in good, capable, and caring hands and am excited to see how it continues to grow to meet the needs of White Center now and into the future.

Thank YOU all for being such a wonderful community and for your support of the White Center Food Bank over the past 12 years. They have been some of my most formative and inspiring years of my life.

We are awaiting replies on a few followup questions, including when Jump plans to leave and what the process will be for choosing his successor. His list of achievements is long, including winning the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce “Westsider of the Year” award in 2011 (that’s when we took the photo you see above).

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TURKEYS AND VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! White Center Food Bank needs you on Wednesday

November 24th, 2015 Tracy Posted in How to Help, White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on TURKEYS AND VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! White Center Food Bank needs you on Wednesday

One more day to make sure hundreds of local families can celebrate the holiday with a traditional meal … First, the White Center Food Bank needs more turkeys, and you can bring them by 8:30 am-7 pm on Wednesday. If you can spare some time, they also need help distributing food Wednesday afternoon/evening:

Volunteers needed Wednesday, 4:30-8 pm. It’s holiday distribution time again at the White Center Food Bank and we are currently short volunteers for the afternoon/evening of November 25 to pass out food to clients. We get set up at 4:30 pm. We distribute food from 5:00 to 7:30 pm and then clean up. Families welcome. If you can help, please call Audrey at 206-762-2848 or e-mail

WCFB is at 10829 8th SW.

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GIVE THE GIFT OF TURKEY! How to help the White Center Food Bank before Thanksgiving

November 13th, 2015 Tracy Posted in How to Help, White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on GIVE THE GIFT OF TURKEY! How to help the White Center Food Bank before Thanksgiving

Just in from the White Center Food Bank – how to help ensure that their clients have a happy holiday:

This year the wholesale price of turkey has gone up to $1.29- $1.49, so it’s harder for us to provide our clients with a whole Thanksgiving meal. However, many grocery stores are offering 1-2 turkeys for much less expensive prices (for example, Target has Market Pantry turkeys for $.69/pound, or Butterball turkeys for $.99/pound, each limit two), and so we’re asking our community to contribute!

There are four ways to get a turkey to our clients:

1) Come to the White Center Food Bank (10829 8th Ave SW) tomorrow, Saturday, November 13, between 2-4 pm, to drop off turkeys with our Executive Director Rick Jump; or

2) Stop by the White Center Food Bank during our regular business hours (Monday – Friday 9 am to 5 pm, and Wednesday until 8 pm) to drop off turkeys with our receptionists; or

3) Come by Fauntleroy United Church of Christ (Fauntleroy UCC at 9140 California Ave SW) next Sunday, November 22, from 10 am to 12 pm, to drop off a turkey at our Mobile Food Bank truck in their parking lot; or

4) Financial gifts are always appreciated, and you can donate online at

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YOU CAN HELP! Buy your ticket ASAP for White Center Food Bank’s Harvest Dinner

October 1st, 2015 Tracy Posted in How to Help, White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on YOU CAN HELP! Buy your ticket ASAP for White Center Food Bank’s Harvest Dinner

Just two weeks until the biggest night of the year for the White Center Food Bank and its supporters – and ultimately, the people it helps day in and day out:

The White Center Food Bank’s 11th Annual Harvest Dinner & Auction is coming up on October 17th at South Seattle College’s Brockey Center. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and helps us to continuing feeding our community; in 2014, we served 64,473 people from White Center, West Seattle, and Burien. The auction is really fantastic this year, with items ranging from restaurant gift cards to a week in Mallorca, Spain, and everything inbetween; the dinner is a delicious steak and salmon entrée (vegetarian also available). Tickets are on sale RIGHT NOW! Last year, the event sold out, and we hope for the same this year. Information, tickets, and a preview of items up for bid, all available at

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White Center Food Bank needs your help on New Year’s Eve!

December 26th, 2014 Tracy Posted in How to Help, White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on White Center Food Bank needs your help on New Year’s Eve!

Can you answer the call?

Volunteers able to lift between 20 and 50 pounds are needed at 9:00 am Wednesday, December 31 to help the White Center Food Bank do inventory. The inventory will take place at 10829 8th Ave SW. Volunteers should dress for a warehouse and wear closed-toe shoes. Available? Contact Audrey Zemke at or 206-762-2848.

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White Center Food Bank: Can you bring in a turkey today?

November 22nd, 2014 Tracy Posted in White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on White Center Food Bank: Can you bring in a turkey today?

Can you spare a turkey or two? Maybe some stuffing too? The White Center Food Bank needs that (and more) and is open special hours today for pre-holiday donations, 11 am-2 pm, 10829 8th SW. Our partner site West Seattle Blog has more on how to help WCFB (which has a regional client base beyond WC).

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