Surplus Metro vanpool vehicles on the way to area nonprofits including TAF

Nonprofits including White Center-headquartered Technology Access Foundation are getting surplus Metro vanpool vehicles like that one; the photo accompanied this news release:

Metropolitan King County Council Chair Joe McDermott will be delivering retired Metro Transit Vanpool vans in Council District 8 to provide transportation assistance to for low-income, elderly or young people or people with disabilities.

The programs that will be receiving vans are:

South Park Senior Citizens
Technology Access Foundation
Neighborhood House

The vanpool program provides mobility for a diverse array of King County residents, supports the positive work of various local organizations, and relieves traffic congestion by reducing the need for single-occupancy vehicles. Interested organizations can contact the Councilmember representing their district for more information on applying for a vehicle.

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One Response to “Surplus Metro vanpool vehicles on the way to area nonprofits including TAF”

  1. Please be very cautious with these vans. The quality of the maintenance on the vans can be questionable.