Councilmember to propose $19 minimum wage for unincorporated King County

A growing number of cities have their own minimum wages, and now one county councilmember proposes the same for unincorporated King County. At an event tomorrow (Thursday, September 7th) in Skyway, County Councilmember Girmay Zahilay plans to announce “a proposal to raise the minimum wage across unincorporated King County to up to $18.99 per hour.” The event announcement says, “If passed, the proposal would bring unincorporated King County’s minimum wage to be more in line with cities like Seattle ($18.69) and SeaTac ($19.06) It would also set annual increases for the wage as well as lower tiers for businesses with few employees.” Full details will be made public at tomorrow’s event, with attendees listed as including our area’s County Councilmember Joe McDermott.

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