FOLLOWUP: What ever happened to White Center scooter-sharing?

(Mysterious scooter sighting in West Seattle last October)
Last fall, there was plenty of buzz when the King County Council passed a plan for a scooter-sharing pilot in White Center – just a quick ride over the line from Seattle, which, unlike many big cities, hasn’t launched a scooter program yet. The plan at the time was to get it going around the first of the year. But here we are three weeks into 2020, and nothing yet. So we asked County Councilmember Joe McDermott, the scooter plan’s sponsor, what’s up, when we saw him tonight at a meeting we were covering for partner site West Seattle Blog. Answer: It’s still in the works – the county is getting ready to seek proposals from potential providers, and is now hoping to launch the program in a month or so. Whenever the scooters hit the street, McDermott vows he’ll be one of the first to ride!
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