You can call him ‘Mayor Mac’: Jubilee Days fundraiser voters choose ‘Mac’ McElroy as Unofficial Official Mayor of White Center

(WCN photos by Patrick Sand)
The results are in and White Center has its new Unofficial Official Mayor – who happens to have run for an “official” political office before (State Legislature, 2010) – the namesake and proprietor of Mac’s Triangle Pub, Geoffrey “Mac” McElroy. If somehow you don’t know Mac, that’s him at the center of our photo above, with, left to right, Justin Cline, a stand-in for Floyd Dog (dogs aren’t allowed at the White Center Eagles HQ), Christine Spencer, and Brian Cooper. Big crowd for the Jubilee Days benefit dinner at which the voting results were announced:

Definitely a White Center who’s-who there tonight – not just the candidates! Look for more fun stuff in advance of Jubilee Days; the festival itself is happening July 19th-July 23rd this year.
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April 1st, 2017 at 9:22 pm
Congratulations Mr. Mayor!!!
April 1st, 2017 at 10:19 pm
What an awesome night with our great community! Congrats, Mac!! And thank you to all of the candidates for a great race!
April 3rd, 2017 at 9:47 pm
Mr. White Center Mayor;
Mac, you clean up well and Lois says that you are handsome in a suit. Congratulations young man. Go Navy! You are a remarkable guy.
Mark and Lois