Update: Scenes from the first-ever Rat City Roller Prom!

(Photos by Deanie Schwarz for WCN)
Yes, you can have a prom on rollerskates – check out Blair and Dina Lydia Johnson from neighboring Highland Park, at tonight’s Rat City Roller Prom, raising money for the White Center Food Bank at Southgate Roller Rink.
Some of the scenes, also photographed and reported by Deanie:

Davin Kim, raised in White Center and now living in West Seattle, and Maricris Mende of Beacon Hill were getting ready to meet the beat on the floor – with some punchy punch.

That’s Steven Hensyel, Rat City Roller Prom organizer, with his prom date, getting their picture taken by RJB Photo. Steve conjured up this roller prom featuring three hours of skating, free skates, PBR on tap, spiked punch and prom photos. This was the first time Steve has organized an event like this and he told WCN that next year will be even better. So, if you couldn’t make it this time, you’ve got a chance next year to support a great cause.

Lots of tuxedos (pale blue and peach were faves) were rented for the night, but few were donning top hat and tails like this guy – spinning with his baton in his mouth.

Above and below, it wasn’t all tuxedos – name the fashion trend of decades gone by and chances are someone at the prom was representing it …

Promgoers also were invited to a pre-func at Company and an afterparty at Mac’s Triangle Pub.
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