ANNEXATION: Boundary Review Board’s final vote Thursday, and what would follow

When the King County Boundary Review Board‘s two-day hearing wrapped up last month, the BRB had one more step to take for its final decision on potential Seattle annexation of most of what’s left of unincorporated North Highline – a final vote at its next official meeting. That’s now just three days away, 7 pm Thursday (July 14th) at Bellevue Fire Station #9 in Newcastle; here’s the agenda.

If the BRB does give its final approval to the proposed annexation, that’s not the final step, but it’s a big one. The Seattle City Council still would have to approve sending the plan to NH voters, and they would have to give their approval. And between BRB and SCC action, the city promised, months of engagement would ensue. So, looking ahead to Thursday’s meeting, we asked City of Seattle annexation liaison Kenny Pittman what would happen next: “If the Board finalizes their tentative approval, there is a 30-day appeal period to allow impacted parties to appeal the Board’s decision. That will end August 15, 2016. After the 30-day appeal period, the City will start on its community engagement work and continue to brief City Council committee (Education, Equity & Governance) on next steps.”

Thursday’s meeting is open to the public. WCN was the only news organization to cover last month’s two-day hearing in White Center; our reports are here and here (including unedited video of the proceedings).

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